I've had this blog for three years now (Wow, I thought it was two!) and from the feedback I've received, I know I'm not the only one who enjoys it. That makes me a happy blogger. :o)
I really tried over the year to even out the posts and put in a variety of different couples from television & movie couples, celebrity couples, and Just Us. Sometimes it was hard to strike a balance, like this past summer. My email was flooded with pictures of wonderful couples and I just had to post them all!
Many people have asked me to post a picture of me and mine, and I eventually promised that I would so somewhere in the last two years of couples is mine. You can speculate as much as you'd like but I won't give a definitive answer.
I will continue to keep up the blog as long as I am able. My email remains the same (not put directly in any text to avoid spam and bots.) I refuse to put posts that will cause arguments and disruption - this is a peaceful blog. There are plenty of other places on the Internet to throw out opinions that incite.
Finally, a big thank you all of you who have placed Just Like Me Couples in your Blogrolls or who have clicked on the button to follow. I truly appreciate your support.