
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Jon and Danette Buck

Jonathan David Buck married Danette Jackson in 2007. Jonathan is better known as Jon B, an R&B singer and songwriter. According to Wikipedia, Jon describes Danette by saying,  "She's not in the music industry. She's just a regular girl. It's cool because she's old-fashioned. I love her." The two have a daughter, Azure Luna.

Jon's Wiki

My Comments: Thank you Ayanna!


  1. Soooo many songs in my head now. Headed to iTunes to download me some Jon B!

  2. Jon B! It's been a minute.

  3. Just found your blog...loving all of these beautiful couples like me!!

  4. Gorgeous couple. Jon B is a very talented singer.

  5. I love jon b so much me n my wife are very big fans my favorite album was cool relax and helpless romantic can't wait for a new album

  6. Beatiful couple!
    Your wife is a genuinely beautiful real black women.

  7. Love all the couples on this page!! #PEACE


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