
Thursday, July 18, 2013


Happy summer!

My posts on Just Like Me Couples stopped nearly a year ago in September. I have been dealing with the game of life, and there have just been a few too many curve balls the last year, not all of which I've been able to hit :(  Now, nearly a year later, I'm hoping to return to posting. Not that I want to continue with the baseball metaphors (I'm not a sports fan!), but I can't absolutely guarantee that there won't be any strikes in the future. I may not be able to put up posts every week.

At this moment I have 15 couples to feature. Five famous, one fictional, and nine Just Us couples. All submitted by my wonderful audience. That will take me from this Sunday to the last Sunday in October. Unfortunately, that's not nearly enough. I realize that there may not be enough time between now and this Sunday (so I may have to again delay posting), but if you would like me to post those I have let me know. Maybe by the end of October the ball will be rolling.

Thank you for hanging in there!

PS If you are new to this blog, welcome! If you're here to hate, bon voyage. I'm not interested :)


  1. Can't wait for the new posts!

  2. I don't visit many websites/blogs because I don't care for the hate whatever the subject. I also don't reply to them, either. However, I have missed you and want you to know you've been missed! Take care of yourself (CDP from Michigan)

  3. Yes, please do post them. I look forward to your updates.

  4. So glad you are back! Post them!


I moderate my comments. If you are going to be negative, accusatory, or argumentative about my blog, then your comment will be rejected. Have a nice day! :)