
Sunday, October 23, 2011

TV: Dr. Lanie Parish and Javier Esposito

Dr. Lanie Parish (played by Tamala Jones) is in a hot and heavy relationship with cop Javier Esposito (played by Jon Huertas).  Lanie can see the tension between her friend Kate Beckett and Kate's best selling author charge, Richard Castle, and hopes she can influence Kate into example. She's probably so happy with her own relationship that she needs to see her friend happy as well. But this is TV land, and happiness doesn't keep an audience so you'll need to stay tuned. You can see this couple on Castle shown on ABC.

Castle Wiki
Castle IMDb


  1. Hi! I love your blog! Just came across it by accident actually haha. I would love to send a picture of my husband and I (7 years together, 4 years married) one day but I guess I have to find a good picture to send. Also, I think you should put up German NBA player Dirk Nowitzki and his Swedish fiancé Jessica Olsson. :D

  2. Hi Stella,

    Thanks :) I look forward to receiving your photo. Also thanks for the couple suggestion!



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