
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Regine and Christopher

Regine and Christopher met 2009 in San Diego, CA and married in 2010. The two moved to Northern California after marrying. Regine is a public relations consultant and Christopher is a director at a tech company. They enjoy the outdoors and traveling. They are planning for their first child in 2012.

Regine's Blog :)

My Comments: Site posted as a part of the submission, not as part of advertising or endorsement on my part.


  1. Thanks, Flaming_star! We celebrate our 1 year anniversary next month! :)

  2. What a great looking pair! You both are very special. Best wishes to you guys as husband and wife.

  3. These two are gorgeous together.

  4. Ur story is so encouraging. U both have a good job, were married one year after meeting, and are now expecting ur 1st child!!!

    What can I say? I'm envious +
    Wishing u love & lust always

  5. What a beautiful couple! Off to check out her blog._Jess

  6. They're just so cute together!

  7. Beautiful couple. God Bless their union.

  8. Gorgeous couple! Congrats on your 1 year anniversary :)

  9. Simply beautiful...they compliment each other so well...nothing but best whishes for your life together!!...muah to the both of you!!!

  10. Thanks for the kind comments everyone! :) I'm glad to have found a community where they are more couples like me.

  11. Regine,you and your husband look so good together,I wish you the best of luck,I am a fourteen year old girls who looks at this blog for inspiratiion because I want to marrry a white man with all my heart and soul.You have inspired me and for that I am grateful.BTW do u have any tips on how I can get a white boyfriend,God bless you

  12. Hi Anon (above),
    I'm glad you like the blog. I know you didn't ask for my advice, but I had to put in my 2 cents. 1) You are young. Now is the time to learn to be you and be happy with who you are. 2) When the time is right, it is important to find someone who loves you and cares about you no matter the color of his skin.

  13. You guys are so cute together! and my name is Regine too so thats awesome! lol

  14. Too cute! Best Wishes!!!!


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