
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dr. Iffie Aitkenhead and Ben Aitkenhead

Photo credit/copyright Richard Brill

Nigerian Ifeoma Okoronkwo is married to Ben Aitkenhead. Dr. Iffie Aitkenhead, as she is better known, is a physiatrist and Ben is an investment banker. They have three girls, Kate, Sophie, and Lauren.


  1. l just stumbled into your blog and i absolutely love it. Could you please update it with pics of the following beautiful IR couples. You can google their stories n their photos will appear. l just don't know how to transfer all that stuff yet. Still learning. 1.Director Philip Noyce married to a black lady & they have a very beautiful son. 2. CEO of Netflix Ted married to a beautiful BW (Nicole)who is the ambassador of US to Bahamas. 3. Boston TV personality Shayna Seymour & her very handsome hubby Stephen Carr, they were featured in Beantown Bridal mag - amazing pics 4. Baseball Toronto Star Adam Lind getting married to his long-time Black Canadian girlfriend. He is American though, but how they met was amazing. 5. Mathew Booth South African football star, comes from an elite family & the former Ms South Africa - they have 2 very beautiful boys. Can't think of others right now but if i do, l'l let you know. l just love your blog. This and Eva Moore's IR Ezine website are just amazing. Once again thx.

  2. Hi Purple, I'm so sorry in my earlier comment l mentioned my other IR favorite site and i erroneously typed Eva instead of Evia. The site is by Evia Moore, you probably know it because it contains very interesting & informative articles on IR relations/marriages. Just wanted to apologise for the error. I so love your site very much.

  3. I'm really glad you like my site, Gloria! Thank YOU for all the great couples. Since I only post on Sundays and I've received so many helpful suggestions (you are all so great :)), it may be a while before I get to them all. And to think I was in need of more names during the summer.

  4. Hi purple, its Gloria again. I just remembered another couple after seeing the husband on CNN. New York Times Paul Krugman, who is also a Nobel Prize winner is also married to a bw.

  5. Hey she has to be Igbo like me, I can tell by her name!

    Great blog btw!


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