
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Simone Bent and Troy Garity

Simone Bent and Troy Garity (born Troy O'Donovan Hayden) married September 1, 2007. Simone is a party planner, and Troy is an actor.

Troy's Wiki

My Comment: Much more newly married! I wish them all the best.


  1. I think this is a great site, I am in this type of couple too. To be married in April, been together since 02. It is nice to see. We are still a rare combination. Hope you start to post pics of regular people too.

  2. Congratulations! It's been 12 years for my hubby and I. I will probably start posting pics of regular people in the new year. Happy Holidays!

  3. Garity is the son of actress Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden.

  4. I saw that when I looked at Garity's Wiki. Thanks, though.

  5. Troy Garity is so much better looking than his wife. Whew!

  6. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, Anon, but I was taught that if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.

  7. I am co-signing my comment with you purplenep, why would anon above post that? Just to be mean I guess. I say Troy's wife is a nice looking woman. I hate to pull this card....but was that a dig at her because she's black? Makes me wonder...? Anyhow, I have always loved Troy as an actor, and much props to his mom, Jane, and the rest of his family.

  8. All I wanna know is when did Jane Fonda date Dustin Hoffman???? Troy is Dustin made over. I looked him up because I was sure he was his son! DNA test please...


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