
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Keesha and Bradford Sharp

Bradford and Keesha SharpAccording to an article at RealGossip 101, Keesha Ulricka (Fleth) and Bradford Sharp were married in 1997. The have one child, Soloman. Keesha is an actress and Bradford is a singer/songwriter.

Keesha's IMDb
Brad's MySpace


  1. Diana Ross (black woman) was married to Robert Ellis Silberstein and then to Arne Naess. Silberstein and Naess are white men.

  2. Thanks for reminding me of Diana Ross. I've been lucky so far to find couples that are still together, so that has been part of my focus. Though, I'm sure I'll run out of those couples at some point, I'm going to hang on as long as I can. I'll add Ross/Silberstein/Arne to my list.

  3. Her maiden name is Fleck.

  4. Her maiden name is FLETH


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