
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rosanna and Timothy

Timothy and Rosanna have been married for 10 years. Tim is a restaurant manager, and Rosanna is an insurance agent. They have an 8 year old girl and 4 month old boy together. Rosanna also has a 16 year old daughter.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Andrea and Bryan

Andrea and Bryan have been married for 11 years. They love going to baseball games, going to the movies and hanging out with their 12 year old daughter Alaqua, and the zoo, fat cat Mena, zen hermit crabs Big Bertha, Bubba, Timmy and Zip; and the 2 sharks that are disguised as goldfish.

My Comments: I was buried (wonderfully) in Just Us posts for the last few months and missed Andrea and Bryan's email when I went to post - I apologize for leaving them out! Thank you for not being mad at me :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tia and Joshua

Tia and Joshua married in April of 2011. She is an international tax
specialist while he is a consultant and writer. The two are enjoying
life as a couple in the Virginia/DC area having met in Louisiana.

Tia's blog
Joshua's blog

My Comments: Tia and Joshua have some other good news to share. Perhaps they will post and let you know :o)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Delorys and Allan

Delorys and Allan, native New Yorkers, have been married for 38 years this past March. Allan is a retired Social Gerontologist and Delorys is an author and painter. They live in the South of France.

And a link to Delorys' Blog :)

My Comments: Please remember my general disclaimer about posting sites.