
Sunday, March 28, 2010

TV: Rose Henderson and Bernard Nadler

Rose Henderson (played by Laverne Scott Caldwell) and Bernard Nadler (played by Sam Anderson) married after dating for five months, despite Rose's recurring fatal cancer. Bernard, in an attempt to save Rose's life using a faith healer, takes the two of them to Australia for their honeymoon. The faith healer fails, but Rose tells Bernard that she is well and the two take the trip home only to have the airplane split in midair. Bernard, who left his seat to go to the restroom, is separated from his wife and the two crash on separate parts of an island.

There are SPOILERS in this post about the last season of Lost. If you are not currently watching this season, read no further.

This all happens in the first season of the ABC drama Lost. The two of them reunite in the second season, and in seasons five & six (final season) they are shown separating themselves from the rest of the drama by finding a cabin and living alone, happy with each other on the island.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sonja Sohn and Adam Plack

Sonja Sohn (born Williams) married Adam Plack in 2003. Sonja is a community activist, former "Slam" poet, and actress. Australian Adam is a didgeridoo player and recording artist. Sonja is of East African and Korean ancestry, and has two children from a previous marriage.

Sonja's IMDb
Sonja's Wiki
Adam's Wiki

*The original photo has been modified.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ruth Pointer and Michael Sayles

Singer, Ruth Pointer married Michael Sayles in 1990. Michael is a real estate developer according to Essence, a physical fitness instructor according to an Atlantic City newspaper, her manager according to the Chicago-Sun Times, and a producer according to IMDb. They have twin children together, Ali and Conor. Ruth has three older children from previous relationships. Sorry, no pictures :(

Ruth's IMDb
Ruth's Wiki

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Movies: Kenya McQueen and Brian Kelly

Kenya Denise McQueen (played by Sanaa Lathan) is a business woman and a perfectionist who has spent her time developing her career and not her love life. She falls for landscaper Brian Kelly (played by Simon Baker) despite reservations on the part of friends and family, and even her. She eventually decides that she'd rather be happy than date only within her race and socioeconomic status.

Something New was released in 2006, directed by Sanaa Hamri, written by Kriss Turner.