
Sunday, August 30, 2009

TV: Dr. Eve Russell and Julian Crane

Call girl and jazz singer, Eve Russell nee Johnson (played by Tracey Ross) and Julian Crane (played by Ben Masters) fell for each other very quickly when they first met. They conceived a child, but did not stay together. Later, Eve turned her life around becoming a doctor, getting married, and having two more children. Eve and Julian crossed paths again. They became engaged after she divorced her husband. Things were rough for them, and considering the two lived in Harmony, rough included a lot.

Harmony is the hometown of Passions, a soap opera that aired from 1999 to 2008. The two actors played their roles for the full run of the show.

Passions Wiki
Passions IMDb

My Comments: I originally posted this under the heading "Watch" because from my searches on the Internet, I'd determined that they were a couple. As a result of more recent searches, I cannot find information that confirms the two are dating.

To see my reasoning, please look at the comments with this post. And to try to squelch more misunderstandings, I have left the links to Tracey Ross and Ben Masters, as well as added those of Tracee Ellis Ross even though I do not do that with TV posts. My hope is that people will read the links.

(Linda) Tracey Ross, 52 year old actress from Passions
Ben Masters, 64 year old actor from Passions
Tracee Ellis Ross, 39 year old actress from Girlfriends and daughter of Diana Ross

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Roland and Lois Betts

Photographs by ©D. Finnin (AMNH); Vanessa Leng (Ballet Hispanico); Joe Schildhorn/©Patrick McMullan (Museo)

Roland Betts married Lois Phifer* in 1972 after meeting while both public school teachers in Harlem. Roland Betts is an investor, film producer, developer and owner of Chelsea Piers. They have two daughters, Margaret and Jessica (one of whom is shown in the picture.)
Roland is also a good friend of George W. Bush.

Roland's Wiki

There isn't a lot of information out there about Lois Betts other than that she has helped her husband in his endeavors. Here are a couple of articles:

*Not sure if that is her maiden name.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Brandee Tucker and Michael Steger

Michael Steger and Brandee Tucker have known each other since the age of twelve and married November 2008. Michael is an actor best known for his current role on 90210. Brandee is an actress who spent her childhood as a competitive ice skater.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Stone and Debra Phillips

June 11, 2009 - Photo by Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images North America

Stone Phillips is a former TV News Anchor for NBC Dateline. He and his wife, Debra Phillips, have a son, Streeter.

There's not much more info out there about Debra. :(

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mats and Lydia Carlston

Photographs by DPC & JH/ & ©Patrick McMullan
Mats G. Carlston and Lydia Tracy married in November of 2000. Mats is a partner in a New York based law firm, and Lydia is a model. They have at least one child as there are several photos of her during her pregnancy.
This is a link to their marriage announcement in the Style section of the New York Times.